Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ)

The item illustrations in the Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ) depict personality-relevant behaviors that are based on Murray's (1938) system of needs, the scales of the Personality Research Form (PRF), and the Five-Factor Model of personality.

This nonverbal measure asks respondents to rate the likelihood that they would engage in the type of behavior depicted in the item illustration on a 7-point Likert scale. Response options range from extremely likely to extremely unlikely.

20 minutes
B (qualification and training required)
selection/talent, career/leadership, mental health/fitness

Available report

The resulting personality scales are as follows: Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Autonomy, Dominance, Endurance, Exhibition, Thrill-seeking, Impulsivity, Nurturance, Order, Play, Sentience, Social Recognition, Succorance, and Understanding, and a validity scale.

44,00 $
PDF View the sample report
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