Situational Judgment Test 2 (SJT2)

The Situational Judgment Test version 2 (SJT2) quickly assesses judgment that’s required to solve problems related to work-related situations. Depending on the level of the position for which you are applying (non-managerial, supervisory or management), the SJT2 presents hypothetical situations that might occur as part of your job responsibilities. These are situations in which you have to work with other team members, serve customers, and deal with (or manage) problems on the job related to performance, behaviour, negative attitudes or ethics. To respond to each briefly described situation, you are presented with three possible choices of action that you might take in relation to the problem described. For this test, your task will be to select the answer choice that will be the most effective in dealing with the problem described.

It is not necessary to have received special training or to have experience or special knowledge to this test. Rather, your answers should make use of the general knowledge and life experience you have acquired (e.g. at work, at school, in other activities).

This test can be useful for all positions in which the targeted skills are considered important (in restaurants, hotels, retail, etc.), both for employees, supervisors and managers.

This test is included in the iRecruitment system and is not available for individual sale.

Test de jugement situationnel 2 (TJS2)
20 minutes

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