PsyMax Solutions Work Style Assessment (WSA)

The PsyMax Solutions Work Style Assessment inventory measures individuals work styles, including how they achieve results, how they deal with people, how they solve problems and how they manage themselves.

30 minutes
A (none)
selection/talent, career/leadership

Available reports

Hiring the Right People: Selection Report

Work Style Assessment: Hiring the Right People, is designed to help you maximize your hiring process. This report gives you insight into the candidate's work style, which includes how the person achieves results, deals with people, solves problems, and manages feelings and emotions.

Candidate results offer a Degree of Fit Summary, Quick Glance Work Style Results, Work Style Assets, Work Style Liabilities, and Next Steps.

This report also includes a free Interview Guide.

An effective interview is a good way to determine how well a candidate meets your organization's needs. Below are some tips for maximizing your interview using this Interviewing for Excellence guide.

250,00 $

Developing Your Potential: Development Report

The report, Developing Your Potential, is designed to help you become more aware of your work style behaviours and how they affect your career success. This report will help you enhance the work style behaviours that contribute to your performance and offer suggestions for developing those that could be hindering your progress.

130,00 $

Coaching for Excellence: Coaching Guide

Coaching for Excellence is designed to help you be an effective mentor for your associate.

130,00 $

Job Matcher: Career Transitions Report

The Career Transition Report is designed to help you determine which kinds of jobs, careers and work situations you will find most meaningful and enjoyable.

130,00 $

Job Matcher: Career Development Report

The goal of the Career Development Report is to help you better understand what you will find meaningful, satisfying and rewarding in the career you build for yourself.

The Career Development Report can give you added focus by helping you better understand your natural work style strengths, tasks which are a "good fit", as well as "poor fit" for you, the type of work environment you are most likely to enjoy and which rewards motivate you the most.

130,00 $

Hiring the Right People: Selection Report

Work Style Assessment: Hiring the Right People, is designed to help you maximize your hiring process. This report gives you insight into the candidate's work style, which includes how the person achieves results, deals with people, solves problems, and manages feelings and emotions.

Candidate results offer a Degree of Fit Summary, Quick Glance Work Style Results, Work Style Assets, Work Style Liabilities, and Next Steps.

This report also includes a free Interview Guide.

An effective interview is a good way to determine how well a candidate meets your organization's needs. Below are some tips for maximizing your interview using this Interviewing for Excellence guide.

250,00 $

Developing Your Potential: Development Report

The report, Developing Your Potential, is designed to help you become more aware of your work style behaviours and how they affect your career success. This report will help you enhance the work style behaviours that contribute to your performance and offer suggestions for developing those that could be hindering your progress.

130,00 $

Coaching for Excellence: Coaching Guide

Coaching for Excellence is designed to help you be an effective mentor for your associate.

130,00 $

Job Matcher: Career Transitions Report

The Career Transition Report is designed to help you determine which kinds of jobs, careers and work situations you will find most meaningful and enjoyable.

130,00 $

Job Matcher: Career Development Report

The goal of the Career Development Report is to help you better understand what you will find meaningful, satisfying and rewarding in the career you build for yourself.

The Career Development Report can give you added focus by helping you better understand your natural work style strengths, tasks which are a "good fit", as well as "poor fit" for you, the type of work environment you are most likely to enjoy and which rewards motivate you the most.

130,00 $
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