Beck Depression Inventory - second edition (BDI-II)

The BDI-II is the second edition of the Beck Depression Inventory, the world's most widely used instrument for assessing the intensity of depressive symptoms. The BDI?II features items that bring it in line with current depression criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The BDI?II consists of 21 items to assess the intensity of depression in clinical and normal examinees. Each item is a list of four statements arranged in increasing severity about a particular symptom of depression. These new items bring the BDI?II into alignment with DSM-IV criteria. The recommended age range is 13 years and older. The BDI?II can be completed in 5 minutes; self-administered or verbally by a trained administrator. An interpretive or progress report can be generated.

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Rapports disponibles

Interpretive Report

The first part of this report includes the examinee's answers to demographic questions. The Assessment Results includes a bar graph plotting the T score and a table listing the Raw Score, T Score, Percentile Rank and the Diagnostic Range. A paragraph of text interpreting the results is printed. Endorsed items are identified along with the responses selected by the examinee.

5,60 $

Progress Report

This report is designed for monitoring an examinee's progress over time. Provided at no additional charge, it graphically displays changes in an examinee's scores for up to five BDI?II administrations and provides the Clinical Outcome. The Progress Report presents the individual's raw scores for each administration.

Interpretive Report

The first part of this report includes the examinee's answers to demographic questions. The Assessment Results includes a bar graph plotting the T score and a table listing the Raw Score, T Score, Percentile Rank and the Diagnostic Range. A paragraph of text interpreting the results is printed. Endorsed items are identified along with the responses selected by the examinee.

5,60 $

Progress Report

This report is designed for monitoring an examinee's progress over time. Provided at no additional charge, it graphically displays changes in an examinee's scores for up to five BDI?II administrations and provides the Clinical Outcome. The Progress Report presents the individual's raw scores for each administration.

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